Friday, November 6, 2009

Taking control

I've gained two pounds. Not too bad considering I've been eating everything I want. And I mean everything. And not working out.

It's getting really ugly. So ugly, I actually emptied my work trash can this morning before the trash guy, who I flirt with like a middle schooler came to empty it, because all it was filled with was candy wrappers.

Yes, I'm that sad.

On both fronts, flirting with the 20-year-old-janitor and hiding my eating habits from him. And I guess there's a third front, the fact that I have a trash can filled with nothing but candy wrappers. You know since I'm trying to lose weight and all.

Anyway, I have to take control of this situation. If I stay on this path I know what can happen. I gained 20 pounds between September and December of last year.

I know my issues. I L-O-V-E food. Even when I'm not hungry. I over eat. My portions are insane.

So, I decided to join weight watchers online again. I know it's going to be extremely hard to stick to during this time of year but the program has worked for me in the past. And I need the visual. Keeping track in my head isn't working.

Not much excitement on the dating front. I didn't go out with the guy I talked to last week. I never heard from him again. I am having issues with my phone so if he called and didn't leave a message it's like it never happened. But the way I see it is he could've tried again, left a message or emailed me. So anyway, I've also been emailing another guy who is really funny BUT I'm getting bored because he hasn't made a move to meet up or even talk on the phone. Which means, I'm going to have to do it or I'll get bored enough to just let him go.


MommyLovesStilettos said...

I hate it when guys aren't assertive enough to set up a time/place to meet/go on a date.

P.S. I've had far too much candy lately. I don't even really like sweets. I just like to eat.

Mira is triplet crown said...

Dude, is it Maryland dudes that are the problem? Because that's kind of the experience I used to have. Lame-o.

As for WW, that was my best success too. Wish you luck. I will be back there myself after this baby.

Alicia said...

oh can't talk about weight watchers as i'm sitting here eating and reading your blog!!! i had to give my mom all the halloween candy because i couldn't resist it!! and i hope that funny man makes a move soon! ya need me to biatch slap him for you?